Welcoming the Stranger: A Call to Compassion and Action
In the face of a global crisis of displacement, we affirm the dignity, worth, and rights of migrants, immigrants, and refugees—including those who are displaced or stateless. Wars, climate change, hunger, and systemic failures have left millions vulnerable, often without protections, and subject to exploitation and abuse.
As United Methodists, we are called to extend radical hospitality and love to all God’s children. This means welcoming migrants, refugees, and immigrants into our congregations and communities. We are challenged to provide practical support, including help with:
🛠 Navigating complex immigration policies
🏠 Securing housing
📚 Accessing education
🍞 Finding food and employment
We stand firmly against policies and practices that dehumanize, criminalize, or punish displaced individuals. We oppose the separation of families, the operation of for-profit detention centers, and the inhumane treatment of people seeking safety and security.
As Bishop David Bard reminds us in his powerful letter, our faith compels us to act with justice and mercy. Read his full message here: Bishop Bard’s Letter. Click here for a letter from the UMC Council of Bishops.
Let us join hands and hearts in embodying Christ’s call to love our neighbors—near and far. Together, we can be a light of hope in the lives of those seeking refuge.
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Ways to give
God works through willing hearts who give gifts and resources through the local church.
Learn more about our happenings, events, important dates and other interesting news.
Messy Church
A way of being church for all-ages to join in experiencing fun and faith formative activities.
We believe that the most “special need” we all have is to have a place we know we belong.
In Person Worship
9:00 am | Meets in the Sanctuary |
11:00 am | Meets in the Sanctuary |
11:00 am | Parables – meets in the Social Hall |
We welcome the sounds and energy of children in worship. For parents who feel more comfortable visiting a “set-apart” location, a nursery room designed for ages three and younger, is available not far from the sanctuary; adults need to remain with their children in the nursery.
Live-stream Worship
9:00am & 11:00 am
Connect! Children's Online Mini Worship Videos
In Person Worship
9:00 am | Meets in the Sanctuary |
11:00 am | Meets in the Sanctuary |
11:00 am | Parables - meets in the Social Hall |
We welcome the sounds and energy of children in worship. For parents who feel more comfortable visiting a "set-apart" location, a nursery room designed for ages three and younger, is available not far from the sanctuary; adults need to remain with their children in the nursery.
Live-stream Worship
9:00am & 11:00 am
Connect! Children's Online Mini Worship Videos

The church building is open during regular office hours and Sunday mornings.
Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday 8-4 pm
Thursday- Friday 8-3 pm
Chelsea First is part of the United Methodist Church.
® 2024 copyright Chelsea First United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.