Messy Church
Church, but not as you know it.A way of being church for all-ages to join in experiencing fun and faith formative activities. Found throughout the globe. Based on the values of all-ages together, celebration, creativity, hospitality, and centering ourselves in Christ
Messy Church meets the second Sunday of every month.
4:00 – 6:00 pm
We meet in the Social Hall

Easter Surprise!
We hear the Easter story each year and we may think we know the story well. But do we? Does the Easter story still surprise us? How do you think the women felt when they arrived at Jesus’ tomb and found it empty? Messy Easter is a special opportunity to share the good news of the Risen Jesus! How can we hear this special story and not miss the ways that God surprises us?
Last Month at Messy Church
Chelsea First
Our church culture
Chelsea First United Methodist Church (Chelsea First) is a Christ-centered congregation with a positive, open, and engaging spirit. We are a church for everyone, at all seasons of life, and bring a grounded, engaged, and supportive approach to Christian worship while working passionately toward making a positive impact in our community.
In Person Worship
9:00 am | Meets in the Sanctuary |
11:00 am | Meets in the Sanctuary |
11:00 am | Parables - meets in the Social Hall |
We welcome the sounds and energy of children in worship. For parents who feel more comfortable visiting a "set-apart" location, a nursery room designed for ages three and younger, is available not far from the sanctuary; adults need to remain with their children in the nursery.
Live-stream Worship
9:00am & 11:00 am
Connect! Children's Online Mini Worship Videos

The church building is open during regular office hours and Sunday mornings.
Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday 8-4 pm
Thursday- Friday 8-3 pm
Chelsea First is part of the United Methodist Church.
® 2024 copyright Chelsea First United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.