
Giving is about trusting God, and trusting God is a journey.

Stewardship Letter

 October 10, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Throughout the month of October, we are reflecting on the ways we “Embody Grace.“ 

We are recipients of God’s extravagant grace; everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God. And the discipleship question that arises is, “in what ways will I not only receive the grace given to me; how will I express my gratitude and love for God through my generous living?”

 Some may think the term “generosity” is reserved for extraordinarily philanthropic donations. Generosity, however, is not about our bank accounts, it is about our hearts and our attitude. Generosity is God’s nature. Throughout the stories of the Bible, we encounter persons from all circumstances in life who reflect the generous nature of God in their lives.

Each Sunday this month, we are hearing from individuals in our church family about how they are experiencing the grace of God in their lives and how they choose to pass on those gifts to others, actively working to embody grace to others.

A financial Commitment Card is included with this letter. It is a tool for helping you consider what financial generosity looks like for you at this time and for you to share your decision with the church. We ask you to prayerfully consider your financial commitment to the work of Christ through Chelsea First in the year 2025. Why is it important to take this step? Your prayerful, intentional efforts to ask God for insight, and then act upon your decision, will express your love and gratitude for God in a personal and tangible way. Your estimate of giving confirms your desire to be fruitful. Giving calls us to put our trust in God as we give away resources we think we need.

 Some followers of Christ practice tithing, committing ten percent of their income to the ministry of the church. Others choose to determine a specific percentage of their income, other than a tithe. Still, others give as they are able. What matters is that each person spends time in thought and prayer to decide how they can be the best steward of the gifts given to them. We invite you to make it your personal goal to grow this year in your giving.

 One of the psalm writers asked, “How can I repay the Lord for all God’s goodness to me?” (116:12).

We can only find the answer in our hearts. Nothing we have is too big or grand to offer our awesome God. No gift is too small if it represents our prayers, a sacrifice, and a generous portion of our resources. When our hearts are filled with gratitude, nothing God asks of us seems unpleasant or impossible.

As you complete and present your financial commitment card you play an important role in planning the church ministries and activities for the upcoming year. Commitment Sunday is October 27.

As a faith family, we will present our cards in the worship service as a sign of our commitment to the mission and ministry of Chelsea First. Together, we are growing in Christ through the grace of giving.

Please take a moment to fill out the Commitment Form and submit it.  The form will go directly to Bill Ruddock our Finance Manager.

Faithfully yours in Christ,

Bill Doyle, Finance Committee Chairperson and Joy Barrett, Pastor

 We look forward to seeing you Commitment Sunday, October 27, 2024!

Financial Stewardship Commitment

Giving Options

Please submit by October 27, 2024

When I survey the wondrous cross...Love so amazing so divine demands my soul my life my all.  -Isaac Watts


Ways to give financially

Give by Paypal / Credit Card

You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation using your credit card.

By Mail


Chelsea First UMC

ATTN: Bill Ruddock

128 Park St

Chelsea, MI 48118

In Person


Checks and Cash donations can be dropped off in person at the Church Office.

Electronic Funds Transfer

Your bank can help you set up an electronic funds transfer (EFT) to send your giving on a regular basis.

Contact your banking institution or call Bill Ruddock for more information.

Sharing what we have is an act of Love...

We love because God loved us first through Christ.

The people of Chelsea First commit to following Jesus’ example in their our daily lives.  We believe that giving is part of following Jesus (discipleship).  We strive to  reflect the image of God in the world, reminding one another that “blessedness” is our center. In gratitude, we share our time, talents, and money. No matter the size, every contribution makes a difference and supports the work of Christ in the world today.

Chelsea First

Our church culture

Chelsea First United Methodist Church (Chelsea First) is a Christ-centered congregation with a positive, open, and engaging spirit. We are the church for everyone, at all seasons of life, and bring a grounded, engaged, and supportive approach to Christian worship while working passionately toward making a positive impact in our community.

128 Park St. Chelsea, MI 48118

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The church building is open during regular office hours and Sunday mornings.

Office Hours:
​Monday - Wednesday 8-4 pm
Thursday- Friday 8-3 pm



Chelsea First is part of the United Methodist Church.

® 2024 copyright Chelsea First United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.