
Giving is about trusting God, and trusting God is a journey.

Ways to give financially

Give by Paypal / Credit Card

You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation using your credit card.

By Mail


Chelsea First UMC

ATTN: Bill Ruddock

128 Park St

Chelsea, MI 48118

In Person


Checks and Cash donations can be dropped off in person at the Church Office.

Electronic Funds Transfer

Your bank can help you set up an electronic funds transfer (EFT) to send your giving on a regular basis.

Contact your banking institution or call Bill Ruddock for more information.

Sharing what we have is an act of Love...

We love because God loved us first through Christ.

The people of Chelsea First commit to following Jesus’ example in their our daily lives.  We believe that giving is part of following Jesus (discipleship).  We strive to  reflect the image of God in the world, reminding one another that “blessedness” is our center. In gratitude, we share our time, talents, and money. No matter the size, every contribution makes a difference and supports the work of Christ in the world today.

Chelsea First

Our church culture

Chelsea First United Methodist Church (Chelsea First) is a Christ-centered congregation with a positive, open, and engaging spirit. We are the church for everyone, at all seasons of life, and bring a grounded, engaged, and supportive approach to Christian worship while working passionately toward making a positive impact in our community.

In Person Worship


9:00 am Meets in the Sanctuary
11:00 am Meets in the Sanctuary
11:00 am Parables - meets in the Social Hall

We welcome the sounds and energy of children in worship. For parents who feel more comfortable visiting a "set-apart" location, a nursery room designed for ages three and younger, is available not far from the sanctuary; adults need to remain with their children in the nursery.

Live-stream Worship


9:00am & 11:00 am

Connect! Children's Online Mini Worship Videos

128 Park St. Chelsea, MI 48118

Email US

The church building is open during regular office hours and Sunday mornings.

Office Hours:
​Monday - Wednesday 8-4 pm
Thursday- Friday 8-3 pm



Chelsea First is part of the United Methodist Church.

® 2024 copyright Chelsea First United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.