Messy Church

This session focuses on ways to grow our generosity as we follow in the extravagant love of God and the example of Jesus.  As we follow Jesus, we give generously to each other and plant seeds of kindness upon the earth. Each session includes crafts, songs, stories and ends with dinner!  All ages are encouraged […]

Rezound Handbell Choir

C’mon and Ring With Us! The Rezound Handbell Choir at Chelsea First is open to all people high school age and older who have a desire and passion to ring.   Rezound is an intergenerational group of adults that meets weekly to create music with English-style handbells and chimes. This musical group is open to anyone […]


Please consider taking your singing from the shower to the chancel.  Rehearsing music for the Hometown Holidays Concert will be part of the weekly rehearsals as well. All persons high-school age or older are welcome to join the choir.