Connect with usOur church culture
Chelsea First United Methodist Church (Chelsea First) is a Christ-centered congregation with a positive, open, and engaging spirit. We are the church for everyone, at all seasons of life, and bring a grounded, engaged, and supportive approach to Christian worship while working passionately toward making a positive impact in our community.
In Person Worship
9:00 am | Meets in the Sanctuary |
11:00 am | Meets in the Sanctuary |
11:00 am | Parables - meets in the Social Hall |
We welcome the sounds and energy of children in worship. For parents who feel more comfortable visiting a "set-apart" location, a nursery room designed for ages three and younger, is available not far from the sanctuary; adults need to remain with their children in the nursery.
Live-stream Worship
9:00am & 11:00 am
Connect! Children's Online Mini Worship Videos

The church building is open during regular office hours and Sunday mornings.
Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday 8-4 pm
Thursday- Friday 8-3 pm
Chelsea First is part of the United Methodist Church.
® 2024 copyright Chelsea First United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.