A series of daily devotionals to engage with during Lent is available online. We encourage everyone to engage in these devotions.
This devotional series was developed by the UMC General Commission on Religion & Race. The Lenten devotional was inspired by a desire to showcase, through the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), Jesus’ faithful demonstration and engagement of anti-racist values – values of shared power, shared responsibility and authority, and openness and curiosity. The devotions help us, as followers of Jesus, to understand the centrality of anti-racists values in Jesus’ ministry.
This daily devotional is structured to follow the six weeks of Lent (ideally starting on Monday March 3rd); six days of each week are structured as follows:
Additionally, we invite anyone interested, to join in group discussions between church services on Sundays during Lent, starting at 10:15am. The format for the 7th day will be used to guide discussion each week.
Go here to download a pdf file for the 6-week series: Lenten Devotional